Session 15 – In the Mantella

Like the dawn, the light of the Icons washes over the white plains of Surha.
But in the night; through the darkest tempest, the promised land vanish.
And in its place, a frozen inferno.
– Excerpt from the fifth verse of the third chapter in the Ramshadra-


The Mantella hangs like a black scarab above the vast bluish-white of Surha. Our heroes are sitting in the smoky galley playing cards. The panoramic window in the background is filled with the mighty ice planet. Blizzard-hurricane Jhina is raging across its surface, at this distance it reminds you of small cotton balls. The comms spark to life and you hear a voice, ”This is Rhaquell – I want everybody on deck in five minutes for a last  briefing on the mission.” Aya, the new deckhand, sighs and puts down her cards, showing off an Icon’s straight.

Here we are on the Mantella. All ready for our mission of 60000 BIrr. At this moment we are in a stationary orbit above Zurha. After a few moments the speaker called us to the briefing room. Here we heard about our mission to Dhaab station. The plan was pretty straight forward. We split up in two teams: Team Scorpion comprised of Zeluba brigade mercenaries create a diversion for us Team frog. Our task is to escort Dr Farrah to the control room. We would be accompanied by Captain Lysa Wada and Anjil, the army engineer.
After discussing the plan and memorize the layout of the station we had to suit up. The temperature on the planet is -50 Celsius amd there was a stormfront (Jhina) close to our landing spot.

Armand Serrano

The real brain behind the mission is a man by the name of Jussuf Farra, who has access codes to the station’s mainframe and security system. In other words, an easy grind…

Farra has told everyone on board the ship how the Red Hyenas have taken over the station and killed all the scientists, including his own father. His intention now is to retrieve the secret formula that his father worked on: a formula for some kind of universal medicine, a true panacea.

A new mission. Hopefully it will result in us getting enough Birr to repair the Black Moth and getting Jezebel! Just to be sure and prepaired we took our two ancient thermal machine guns, our lantarn, Armands Tabula and Shamus cigarettes.

After the Mantella had set of to Surha, there was a briefing. Aya, whom we met before, was also present. And as we found out also mambers of the Zeluba Brigade (mercenaries). We first learned that it would be a bumpy ride to Surha because there was a hurricane blowing at the surface. Secondly we where told that is was a IO-NQA-DSC mission. In other words In and out, no questions asked and sultans at the cantina! Our target was the station Dhaab on Surha. Dhaab was presently used by a gang of smuggler’s called the Red Hyenas. A few of them would leave Dhaab for a couple of day’s, but there still would be Red Hyena’s present at the station. We would enter the station in 2 different teams.

Team 1 was called: Scorpion. Comprising Raquell (leader) and the members of te Zeluba Brigade
Team 2 was called: Frog (I wonder who came up with that name). Comprising besides us three, Captaim Wada, Dr. Jussuf Farra, who had a map and security codes, and Anjil, a combat engineer . For some strange reason they thought I had the most fighting experience so the made me the leader of Frog. Team Scorpion would create a diversion so we, the frogs, could make our way to the controlroom. Dr. Farra was having the necessary maps and tags/codes to unlock the doors.

Khadyr Sabah

Scene 1 – Through the tempest

Everyone’s gathered on the second make shift bridge where the combat engineers of the Zeluba brigade have rigged up a modulator. In the air in front of you, the mining station of Dhaab 1 and 2 is slowly rotating. Once the buzz has died down, mainly due to angry looks from Captain Wada, Rhaquell takes the floor.

“About an hour ago the smuggler’s only ship, the Halzun, left the station. Usually they’re away a couple of days. Our sensors have also calculated that the blizzard-hurricane Jhina, which is anticipated to hit the sector during the first watch, will mask our approach. We will make our descent with the Mantella’s first emergency shuttle. Remember, this is a STANDARD civilian shuttle not an APC. When we have boots on the ground we’ll split up into two teams; teams Scorpion and Frog. My soldiers will form the first team, team Scorpion, and will stage a diversion before pushing towards the Apex, the command center of the station. You, Frog leader – Rhaquell grins and points to Khadyr – and your team will escort doctor Farra, Captain Wada and our combat engineer Anjil to the Apex through the service tunnels of the station. In the service tunnels Anjil will cut the power so you can seize the Apex. You – she points a finger at Aya – will remain on the Mantella. Here are the different routes we’ll take.”

Blue lines begin to slither across the modulated map… 

After an hour we were descending to the station. Dr Farrah assured us he could open every lock in the station using this Tag. It was a bumpy ride because we came in via the Harballa Massif. But we could not do anything until the pilot landed us safely on the south entrance. This was a good time as any to pray for the deckhand. Hoping for a clean ship, because a lot of people started too feel their last meal again.

Armand Serrano

Rewards granted

1 XP for each hero

Darkness Points

GM gains 2 DP (1 for a re-roll and 1 for flying beteween the dark of the stars in the next scenario)

Characters met

Aya (deckhand)


Jussuf Farra

Rhaquell and the Zeluba brigade

Missions/Quests complete

The heroes meet aech other, find a mission and got a ship!

Scene 2 – A Black seraph over icy cliffs

The shuttle rocks violently as it enters Surha’s atmosphere. The howl from the engines is deafening as the Mantella quickly descend through the clouds towards the frozen world. ”We’re closing in on the storm, turbulence ahead.” the pilot informs Khadyr laconically over the comms. Seconds later the shuttle jolts and shakes as it begins its struggle against the savage force of nature greeting you. You can see how some of the otherwise cocky mercenaries begin to pray quietly to the Icons.

We were provided with survival masks and suits because the temperature on Surha could drop to minus 80 degrees and the gravity on the planet was 2. And to make things worse there was a blizzard ravaging the very the planet at the very place we were about to land. The landing was very bumpy because of the blowing blizzard. Being used to Shamus his landings, we were not that worried. Armand however thought it wise to pray to the deckhand, just in case.

Khadyr Sabah

We entered Dhaab 1 and Dr. Farra led us through the tunnels. At some point Anjil took a different turn so he could to disable the power and meet u with us later. While we were walking through tthe tunnels we heard shooting. It seemed that team Scorpion ran into some Red Hyena’s. As we approached the stairwell, there were two soldiers guarding it. We took advantage of a moment when they were destracted by the gunshots to sneak past them.

Khadyr Sabah

Through one of the windows i could see team scorpion land there shuttle to engage the smugglers who were operating out of the station. Then it was time for us to land. We stepped out of the shuttle and entered the station. We followed dr Farrah through the tunnels. At the first passage Anjil seperated from our team to disable the power.

While we walked towards the tunnel we heard shooting and people running away from us. Team Scorpion was engaged in combat. Unfortunately not all mercenaries. There were two soldiers guarding the stairwell we need to go to the control room. Khadyr and Shamus peaked at the soldiers and were able to determine that they were not paying attention. We could use the moment to sneak past them.

Armand Serrano

Zeluba brigade soldier

Scene 3 – Total darkness

“Turn on the main frame”, Farra instructs Anjil over the communicator. After a short crackling reply the light tubes in the ceiling slowly begin to gleam. There’s a whistling sound as fans and other non-vital systems start to boot up. Suddenly there’s a sharp fizzling sound from one of the consoles followed by a violent, blue flash. Seconds later the console begins to belch out black smoke accompanied by the acrid smell of burnt plastic. A swift soldier quickly grabs a fire extinguisher and hoses the whole console. The fizzling stops, but instead everything in the Apex goes black. All the lights are out and everything is dead quiet. Moments later an emergency generator starts up and the room is drenched in red, emergency lighting. Several consoles are flashing angry warnings. “This doesn’t look good”, Farra says and glances at Armand.

When we came to the control station we heard voices. We peeked through a small opening of the door and saw three people talking to each other. Having the element of surprise we overpowered them. One of them was Moses Umbara, the headman of the Red Hyena’s. We didn’t really know what to do with them, so we locked them up in the relax room. Armand remained at the door to make sure the wouldn’t escape. Dr. Farra immediately started working on the computer system, while Shamus and I checked the other rooms. Dr Farra was able to to establish communications with Team Scorpion. The ran into some heavy fighting, but were able to overpower the Red Hyena’s. Those who weren’t killed they locked up so the would bother us anymore. Just when I was thinking the worsted was over, there was a flash of light and a fire broke out in the control room. Armand and Anjil tried to repair the system and the generator but without succes. We managed to put out the fire but the system was down and so was the power. The only way to fix things was to go to Dhaab 2. There was the mainframe that controlled everything. We decided to take Moses Umbara with us.

Khadyr Sabah

Everything was running very smooth. We were able to gain control of the control room very quickly. Two kids and an older man were only present. Dr. Farrah immediatly started working on the computer system. Khaydr, Shamus and i were checking the rooms and talking with our hostages. The older man was Moses Umbara. The leader of the smugglers: Red Hyenas. This was almost to easy. Almost. Suddenly Dr. farrah had accessed the communication system and was broadcasting around the entire base. He told the Hyenas to stand down. After some deliberation. The shooting stopped and we heard Team Scorpion that the smugglers had surrendered.
After closing the comm system a fire broke out in the control room. I tried to repair the system, but it was to old and beyond repair. Also the power was going out. At first we thought it was Anjil. But he had an issue. I rushed down and helped him to repair the generator. But this was also no good.

Armand Serrano

A system’s check by Armand? shows that Anjil has overloaded the old circuits at the station. The system now requires a reboot from a security bunker located on the other side of the ravine. Anjil delivers the news, rather embarrassed himself, which results in an angry slap from Rhaquell. Farra is able to help our Misfits find the easiest way to get to the security bunker at Dhaab 2.

After some investigation they find that there are two possible routes:

1. Over the ravine

2. Take a snow vehicle

We were in control of the base. And on mission. Not to take control of the base. After an update we learned this was Dhaab-1 station and we had to move to Dhaab-2 station.

Armand Serrano

Why did I have a feeling that this was just the beginning of what was to come!

Khadyr Sabah