Session 2 – The Necropolis

The Necropolis is set on Wednesday, November 26th,
1924 in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt—almost
exactly two years after Howard Carter discovered the
tomb of the boy Pharaoh, Tutankhamen.

Prelude – scene 1

Khadyr Sabah and Armand Serrano arrive at Djachroum and dock in the space port. Docking requires registration of ships and crew members. In addition, an electronic map of the station is automatically transmitted to the ship’s computer, which can be transferred to any tag or modular projector. Registration is done manually at the docking station. The Heroes immediately become targets for the harbour master (Sayar Mashmet, Free League). Armand and Khadyr both have to pay 50 Birr to enter the station. Khadyr’s cat is only allowed caged and costs Khadyr an extra 5 Birr. A long discussion with Sayar Mashmet enfolds and a waiting line is forming.

After a difficult mission we, that is Armand and me, arrived at Djachroum. Eager to get of the ship that had been our home for the last few months, we walked from the spaceport to the dockingstation. Armand was already looking on the map to see if he can find a tavern to get a drink. Jezebel followed me as usual, looking like the queen of Sheba :). But before we could leave the dockingstation, one of the harbourmasters, a real Nazi, stopped us. We had to register en pay 25 Birr each for our registration. Just as he was about to let us pass, Jezebel decided she didn’t want to be ignored. The nazi, allergic to cats, almost got a fit. “Whats that” he shouted. “You can’t just let that beast run loose here. Take her back at once.” After a long discussion, we finally were allowed to take Jezebel with us, but we had to put her in a small cage I had to rent for 5 Birr.

Khadyr Sabah

After another mission for Jarrod Khadyr and i finally arrived at Djachroum. We don’t get payed enough for these kind of missions . I was not in a good mood and needed a drink. Which was made worse after meeting the harbour master. We had to pay 25 Birr each just for entering the spacestation. On top of that Khadyr had taken her cat along. Which cost extra.

Armand Serrano

While we were talking to the Nazi, a line was forming behind us and we could hear some commotion. There was fierce discussion going on between one of the stevedores and a small man on wellies and in a baby seal fur coat. Happy to finally be allowed to walk on, we didn’t pay any futher attention to the commotion. I put Jezebel, who didn’t agree with her temporary confinement ofcourse, in the small cage and we walked off to Djachroum.

Khadyr Sabah


Location: New York

Date: 2-3-1929


Paula Harvard

Wick Snicker

Missions/Quests complete

Doug and Rutger solve the mystery!

Characters met

Joseph Klein

Bob – Chauffeur of Joseph Klein


Arther Blackwood

Rose Blackwood

Missions/Quests complete

Doug and Rutger solve the mystery!

Rewards granted

1 XP for each hero

Darkness Points

GM gains 2 DP (1 for a re-roll and 1 for flying beteween the dark of the stars in the next scenario)

Prelude – scene 2

In the meantime Shamus loaded has landed his spacecraft in typical fashion, Slow and clumsy. Now he’s waiting in the same line as Khadyr and Armand and he shouts at them. Shamus is not used to wait. When he meets Sayar Mashmet he doesn’t have to pay the entrance fee because of the reputation of his father at the station. Shamus knows the place a bit better then our other two heroes and goes straight for the tunnel to reach the market for some shopping.

Dear Diary, Today was such a weird day. It started this morning. I left my room in a hurry. I expected to walk straight by Sayar and his stevedores, but there was a queue of people in front of me and a stevedore stopped me when I tried to walk passed it because of natural habit. What is this? Me? Shamus? Waiting for plebs? I saw the reason of the queue; 2 average people with a furry animal in a big discussion with Sayar. I shouted at them. After a while I was finally able to enter Djachroum and didn’t have to pay the entrance fee ofcourse. Thanks to papa. I’m scared of papa; “papa, is that you? What are you doing papa?” I now and then have very visual daydreams about papa. My left boot was making sucking noices and felt a bit damp. That was weird as I always leave them next to the heater in the toilet. It’s the only place with ventilation, so that gives them some fresh air. As I was strolling through the city, people were looking at me while I was walking past them. Might be the sucking noice…

Shamus Loaded

Prelude – scene 3

Armand and Khadyr decide to have a drink and walk the tunnel from the spaceport to the slums of Djachroum. They end up at Jana’s Cantina where they order a Wodka and a cafe Marakesh. They talk about finding a new job to do. 

Armand needed a drink badly, and to be honest I could use one too. We made our way through the slums of Djachroum. Jezebel still disagreeing loudly in her cage. We stopped at Jana’s Cantina. Armand orders a Wodka and I went for a cafe Marakesh from the lady behind the bar. We desperately had to talk about finding a new mission.

Khadyr Sabah

As fate would have it. It didn’t take too long for an opportunaty to land before our feet. Word spread in the cafe about a ship in the docks which was fuming so heavily no ships could leave the station. Apparently the ship was owned by the wealthy tourist in the cafe. He was approached by the head of the purple guard. They asked him to repair his ship. So an opportunity did arrive. As a skilled ship engineer i offered my services to Shamus Loaded.

Armand Serrano

In the meantime Shamus has been shopping his ears off at the market in the slums (mostly boots) and also enters Jana’s Cantina for a drink.

I was on my way to get my new winter coat. The seamstress had been working on it for a whole week and it just got back from the cleaners to get the last blood out of that nice white fur. It was still a long way and the walk, with a tiny bit of shopping, did make me thirsty. So, I walked into a pub, ordered a nice cold beer and sat myself down in a corner. “Forbidden to take of your boots”, said the sign and it probably was for the better as I started to remember that that night I went to the toilet for a wee and remembered that I didn’t hear the usual clatter from the toilet bowl, but more like the sound of a bottle being filled up. Oh god… I started to feel a bit sick as I wasn’t wearing any socks. To overcome this feeling I quickly ordered something stronger. I needed to get this picture out of my head. And it didn’t take long, after a glass or three, that I started to feel all tingly inside. Forgotten were the feelings of disgust while I playingly was pulling and pushing my foot in and out my left boot. I laughed while suddenly two familiar looking shadows were sitting not too far from me. Damn..People! Close to me? But how? Nobody wants to sit with me. Why!?

Shamus Loaded

Rahim Gulda of the Purple Guard is looking for Shamus and finds him in Jana’s cantina. Shamus his ship is smoking up the space port dock and makes other starfarers rebelling. Their ships are unable to dock or launch anymore. Shamus has a problem, he knows nobody who would be able to repair his ship. Armand picks up this part of the conversation and offers his help.

Quickly finishing our drinks, we walked with Shamus, Rahim an some men from the purple guard to the smoking spaceship. One way or the other Shamus pulled it off that the men from the purple guard carried all his packeges on to the ship.

Khadyr Sabah

Finally we arrived at Jana’s Cantina. A nice little cafe which was not expensive and has a good selection of drinks. When i was ordering our drinks a tourist entered the cafe. With his hands full of boxes and bags he came tumbling to the bar. Some wealthy tourist for sure by the looks of this furry coat. I discussed our last mission with Khadyr and told her we don’t get paid enough. If we want to get paid more we should find our own missions. Khadyr agreed and we discussed how we would check The Bulletin and be on the lookout for opportunities.

Armand Serrano

Rahim and a few of his purple guard men carry the newly bought boots of Shamus. It all looks like a big parade, fur coat at the front.

While we were enjoying our drinks, suddenly the man in the baby seal fur coat walked in the tavern, his hands filled with all kinds of things he bought at the market. He also ordered a drink. Not long after that, a man called Rahim Gulda entered te Tavern looking for the man in the fur coat and his willies (sorry his Wellies hahaha). We found out that his name was called Shamus Loaded and that he had a big problem. His spaceship was smoking the hell out of the spaceport dock. His ship needed to be repaired immediately. Armand, the good soul, offered to help.

Khadyr Sabah

Prelude – scene 4

Angry people surround the smoking cigar of a ship, the Möngön Sum and Shamus tries to cool them down. It’s not really working. Rahim and his men unload the boots in his ship. Armand repairs the ship enough to make it stop smoking up the place. Armand checks out a terminal and finds a promising mission. They make the deal to go together with Shamus.

We went to my ship. I heard laughter when they walked around it. They looked like they were walking away, but I dragged one of them into my ship. The other followed quickly with fear in its eyes.

Shamus Loaded

Armand tried to find out what the problem was. He found some strange things, like some dents, that might have caused the problem. Armand fixed the smoking problem, but the ship appeared to be a flying disaster, according to Armand. Big repairs were needed, for wich he didn’t have the money. Shamus couldn’t fly this ship without a backup plan. But that was his problem.

Khadyr Sabah

We went to the docks with members of the purple guard behind us carrying the boxes and bags of Shamus. When we arrived at the ship a large angry crowd was gathering at Shamus’ ship. Large fumes was coming were coming out of the exhaust port. After performing a scan on the engineering computer i found the issue. There was something stuck in the engine. With some borrowed tools from the dockmaster and the help of Khadyr i cleaned the engine. Apparently some dead animal was stuck into it. With the crowd gone we talked to Shamus who told us his father bought him his ship and now he was travelling through the system. This was a change for me and Khadyr. To go on a mission on our own. After checking a nearby terminal I found a report about a missing science vessel: ” The Foundation” There is a 10.000 reward for any information about the status of the ship and even more if we bring the ship back. Could we convince Shamus to be our transport?

Armand Serrano

Armand and I looked at each other in agreement. This was our ticket to independence. All we needed was a spaceship. We heard Shamus behind us still grouching over his broken no good ship. And than a plan formed. We walked up to him and made him an offer he could not refuse.

Khadyr Sabah

Closely, I examined the one on the right. My glasses were zooming in, had to think, felt woozy, scared and exited at the same time. They started talking, I felt tingly inside, this never had happened to me I froze! Could it be!? Is this an orsmagm… orsagm…ormasm…ORGASM!?

I laughed. The person on the right looked weird at me. Was it a laugh or did I just fart in excitement? They were still talking to me. I put my hands in front of my face. Thoughts were racing through my mind. Had to pinch myself. They were still talking to me! To ME!.

“We’re looking for a pilot..”. One said.. Oh boy, oh boy. I am a pilot! I am a pilot! I wanted to scream: “ I am a Pilot, take me, take me, I’m all yours. Do what you want to me. Ohhh, Yes!”. But I knew I should play hard to get. I’m rich, you know. I’m important and people are always asking favours from me….

“Yessss….. Soooo?”. “And why do you think I want to join you”?

My fingers were trembling, sweat came oozing out of my pores. Oh god…oh god…oh god…oh god… My knees touched, I couldn’t take it anymore. My mind went blank. I can’t remember anything anymore from that point on forwards. It all went grey.

Shamus Loaded

We were going to do the mission in his space ship. Armand could make sure that the ship kept flying and with his share of the profits Shamus could repair his ship. Win – win. Shamus agreed. So now we had our selfs a ship en we could set out to go on our very first independent mission. We all boarded the space ship, off to our new adventure. Jezebel, happy to be out of her cage, walked around the space ship as if she owned the place. Purring contently with her new home.

Khadyr Sabah

After we convinced Shamus we were on our way to the last known coordinates of the ship and the beginning of our new venture!

Armand Serrano

I sat them down and started my ship, someone threw up and half an hour later we left the space station. We flew somewhere and I did hit a few things, but we all survived. Well, physically….

Shamus Loaded

Our heroes found each other and what adventures will they find in the future?